DUNDEE UTD SUPPORTERS' COACHESThe drivers of all Dundee Utd supporters' coaches, irrespective of size and including minibuses, must adhere to the following police instructions. These are the Strathclyde Police recommended routes for Dundee Utd supporters attending this event with officers deployed at specific areas to assist with traffic flow. Any deviation from these routes may resort in increased traffic congestion adding to your inconvenience.
PRE MATCH ROUTES APPROACHING THE STADIUMA8 Westbound: Continue onto the M8 to Junction 8 (Baillieston) and join the M73 southbound. Thereafter take the nearside lane to join the M74. Exit the M74 at Junction 1 (Fullarton). Turn left onto Fullarton Road, turn right onto Cambuslang Road, continue through the roundabout onto Bogleshole Road. Turn right onto Cambuslang Road and continue onto Main Street, Rutherglen to the junction with Glasgow Road. Continue through the junction onto Burnhill Street and onto Prospecthill Road, continue to Toryglen playing fields on your left where you will be directed to park.
M8 Eastbound: Continue on the M8 to Junction 8 (Baillieston) and join the M73 southbound. Thereafter take the nearside lane to join the M74 and follow the above route.
A80/M80 Southbound: Continue onto the A80 and onto M73 Junction 3 at (Mollinsburn). Thereafter continue to Junction 1, and join the M74 and follow the above route.
PRIVATE TRANSPORTDundee Utd supporters using private vehicles will have facilities to park within Toryglen playing fields, Prospecthill Road Glasgow (on payment of a small fee).
Follow the above coach routes as far as the exit of the M74 at Junction 1 (Fullarton): Thereafter turn left onto Fullarton Road, turn right onto Cambuslang Road, continue through the roundabout onto Bogleshole Road. Turn right onto Cambuslang Road and continue onto Main Street, Rutherglen to the junction with Glasgow Road. Continue through the junction onto Burnhill Street and onto Prospecthill Road, continue to Toryglen playing fields on your left where you will be directed to park.
POST MATCH ROUTES EXITING THE STADIUMAfter the match, all supporters' coaches should follow the reverse of the routes shown above.
Supporters using private vehicles should follow the reverse of the routes shown above.
In addition access can be gained to the M74 motorway from Prospecthill Road via the following route, continue on Prospecthill Road onto Burnhill Street, turn left onto Glasgow Road, Rutherglen and continue to Shawfield Drive, turn right onto Shawfield Drive and follow the reverse of the above coach route.
Strathclyde Police would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and pleasant day at the National Stadium. We ask for your patience and co-operation by following the above routes which may be subject to police control and have been specifically chosen with your safety in mind.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the Strathclyde Police web site