17th April 2003

Power Wheelchair Soccer is coming to Scotland for the first time this May. Power Wheelchair Soccer (PWS) is played with a size 9 football on an indoor sports hall, using the same court markings as a standard basketball court. There are four players on each team and there are no official goalkeepers. The duration of the game is 20 minutes each half. Individual players attach a protective bumper to the front of their power chair.

The sport first came to the attention of the Association when a parent of a young man from he Scottish Highlands contacted SDS. 18-year old Jordan and his father were regularly making the long trip down south to allow Jordan to participate.

Following discussions with Aspire, the lead organising body of PWS in England, the game is to be launched in Scotland on Saturday 3 May 2003. SDS will be holding a National Come and Try event at Bell's Sports Centre, Perth from 12pm until 2pm. James Isaac of Aspire and Rick Smith from Millwall Football Club will lead the session.

The sport is developing rapidly in England with James Isaac working in partnership with Glen Keeley and Steve Johnson who are the National Football Development Officers for the English Federation of Disability Sport and Rick Smith from the Millwall Football Club Community Scheme to develop the sport all around England. James Isaac and Rick Smith are also providing training opportunities for children and coaches all around the rest of the United Kingdom.

As well as holding the National Come and Try event in Perth, SDS will also be taking the sport to the pupils of Graysmill and Ashcraig Primary Schools. A session will be run in both schools on Friday 2 May.

The sport offers power chair users the ideal opportunity to take part in Scotland's 'national game' with competitive opportunities on the increase.

Anyone interested in trying Power Chair Soccer should contact SDS Project Officer Claire Mands on clairemandssds2@aol.com or 0131 317 1130 or, for the Perth event, directly download an application form from the Scottish Disability Sport Website on www.scottishdisabilitysport.com